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I Forge Iron

New from the valley


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 Hello I'm brand-new to metal forging .  I did a little welding back in the day almost 15 years ago .  But lately I have been craving to work with my hands again but I don't know where to start .  I'm looking for someone who wouldn't mind taking me under their wing and teach me a little bit I would like to also start buying and building my own set up at my house .  I live in Chinatown but am willing to travel around the valley to meet and learn .  Please shoot me an email if anyone is interested  in helping out a novice but I'm extreme quick study .  I would have no problems paying for lessons .  I'm a firefighter so I have a very open schedule I know what days I have off well in advance and with the kids going back to school I'll have plenty of time during the week to learn  and if you know anything about glassblowing I know my wife would love to learn how to do that as well .

thanks Fense

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