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I Forge Iron

Carved knife

Robert Mayo

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Robert, Very Nice clean looking damascus.

This is my second attempt, the 1st had a delamination. :(

Its a 10" o/a bowie 01 & mild. ( 7 layers, 2 folds, gentle twist, and another fold for good measure)

Im really looking forward to getting some 15n20 - the contrast is amazing in the blade, the one posted above has only had 1/2 hour in vinegar (its only very rough ground and still awaiting H.T at the mo.)

'mascus seems to be a bit addictive though....


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Thanks John but i did not make the damascus it is from Craig Barr. I have been going through a bout of tennis elbow so i have not been forging for a few weeks. But i cannot stay away from knifemaking so i am doing these. That is a great looking knife and nice job on the damascus i look forward to seeing it finished, make sure you show us.


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Robert, you could always come over to the dark side & use a power hammer or press?? (or learn to forge left handed.... :)

If I finish it Ill post some proper photos (not taken on my phone!) , ive not ground it proper yet as im waiting on a couple of dvd's on techneque to arrive - Ive busied myself tooling up a press for 'mascus work today (15 t fast acting hydraulic), with a tool carousel - then ive got a 'KMG' to copy for my next project. im getting a bad addiction!

I understand its bad form to mention other forums, in a forum, but cant see the harm...

if youve not checked it out already have a looksy at britishblades.com some very talented & friendly folks there, and some amazing knives and damascus being made! (its quite international, but based in the uk, if that makes sense!)

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