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Take a page from the Tomas Powers play book, hail damaged materials from a roofing contractor. Another option is barn salvge, seconds from the manufacture, of recycled mobil homes. (Aluminum siding and a roof fabricated from 4' wide sheats seamed together. As Glenn reminded me a 55 g drum is a 3x6" sheat of steel. Not to mentiom old refrigerators and freezers or resiklin frak tanks. That is just the metal siding optiond, we havent explored other options. Peaple love to burn down old buildings and bury them here. Lots of options.

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mine came from hail damaged roofs that were being replaced + the "overruns" from replacing them---so I have the dinged and scratched pieces and excess from replacing the pro-panel roofs of schools.  I got most of these by talking to the local roofing companies and arranging to do site clean-up in exchange for the materials.  Also one of my co-workers had his roof replaced and gave the tear offs to me so the used stuff was the walls and the new stuff is the roof. I did buy used trusses and new purlins and new SDST screws.


Ask around perhaps someone has something that needs to be torn down.  I profited from a massive hailstorm that basically destroyed/damaged every roof in town. Also ask places that supply such roofing about damaged in shipping colour mismatch etc pieces---I lucked out in that all my pieces are blue though in 3 or 4 different shades.


My roll up door was used as well and sold to me by another smith at Quad-State and I picked it up on my way home.

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Most places that supply new metal roofing for pole barns have two classes of material: one with a 30 yr warranty, and one without the warranty.  I have examined both and cannot see any difference between the two,  You are paying the extra $$ for the warranty.  These places make the material to order from large rolls of material.  They always have rolls of a certain color that no one ever wants, and has sat around for years.  You could go to one of these places and ask nicely and see what they might be able to do for you.  One place not to skimp is on the hold-down screws.  You will want to only use new screws, and go at least 1 1/2" long, and use at least what is recommended on their spacing.


Sometimes in the quest to save  a bit costs more in the long run in terms of time, repairs, and ease of doing the job correctly the first time around.  I have gone the salvage route, and only buy new material(without the warranty) now.

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Save for the poles, my pole barn shop extension is all metal---no fire worries from the forge or from wildfires.  Even my trusses are steel and probably 40 years old and so heavy built too.  Due to high winds in these parts I didn't skimp on the purlins or the screws.


If I had had a helper it would have gone up faster and prettier; but on my own with the aforementioned wind issues it's up and solid! (and no ER runs!!!)  A 30 year warranty would exceed mine these days...

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I've gotten used phone or power poles by asking for them after a crew pulls them out of the ground. The poles are rarely in bad shape but age out and get replaced periodically. It's usually one of those "right place, right time" deals but they are out there.

Craigslist is another good source - lots of good stuff if you are willing to do some searching.

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