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I Forge Iron

My 3 in 1 Tools - Pickaxe Project

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Hello All,

Last Sommer on a Fleamarket (in France, near the German Border) I saw a old Pickaxe for 1 Euro, so I can't resist and it follows me at Home...
Attention :
It is important that the Hole in the "Pick" is round.

This Pickaxes are made in a very good Material :
Length: 500 mm
Width: 60 mm
Thickness : 6 mm and more (take the bigger One)
Material : tempered Carbon Steel (xc 48)
Hardness : 40 to 51 HRC (140 kg/mm²)
Hole : round, Ø 4,7 cm and more

In my Smithy I found an old Iron Cone (no cast Iron), also from a Fleamarket (1 Euro) et slowly I became an Idea... (maybe it's not a great Idea).

If I assemble the 2 Parts, what will be the Result ?
===> If I do that, I can have 3 new Tools for my Forge.

OK, the Project :
pickaxe 1.bmp
- http://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=15/02/nces.bmp

What I buy :
- '>

What to do (and cut in 3 parts):
- '>

Than I'll have :
- a Nail Header (after reforging the Piece, making a Handle and the Hole for the Nail).
- a Tool (Anvil Tool for the Hardie Hole or a Chisel, depends on the Pickaxe).
- an Anvil Cone (a bigger One, that the older I have).

Hmmmm, Good or Bad Idea, your Opinion please ?

Thanks for reading.

Kind Regards from France.

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When I started reading the thread I had another image in my head, specifically Tomas Powers' double horn armoring stake, but now that I see your plan, and actually like it, the cone fits just all to well in the pick socket. Looks like you may end up with more than 3 tools, the chisel end, if used for a hot cut hardy (even forged simi circle) may still yield a piece of usable stock left over as well as the pick end, if you draw out the handle. I acualy like the plan. This all depends on your welding abilities and doing a bit of research on rod choice and when in doubt preheat and slow cool

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