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I Forge Iron

My M&H Armitage Mouse Hole Anvils

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Here are my M&H Armitage Mouse Hole anvils.  The larger is 120 lbs and was given to me by a guy who dug it up when he was digging a foundation for a house.  The smaller is 60 lbs I purchased recently.


Two questions:


1) If I were to collect M&H Armitage anvils from 1820-1835, what other sizes are there?


2) Did the smaller anvils have a steel plate on top too?  I can't tell like I can on the 120 lbs. 












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Old anvils were usually not made to specific sizes per say as they were welded up from chunks and there will some variation so there will likely be an infinite variation of them for you to buy and yes even the small ones will have an applied face of higher carbon steel; the earlier they are the more pieces making up the face.


As far as collecting them better to try to get examples of all the types they made: coachmakers, chainmakers, doublepike, etc...

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If you want to collect Mousehole anvils give Fred Moore a call, he has quite a few including a nice 650 lb plus one that he is willing to sell. 

See this youtube video of his collection, the anvil is in the first few frames, 


Feel free to call Fred at FIVE-ZERO-FIVE 847-TWO NINE SIX TWO (that's from a C-list ad he is running)

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