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I Forge Iron

New Bee here.


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Well, I'm new. I make butted chainmail as a profitable hobby, but open, close, repeat gets boring. I built a bernzomatic-powered forge out of hard firebrick (about 4.5x9x1.5) and it didn't explode, but I haven't heated anything yet, because I haven't figured out what to use (or where to find it in my town) as an anvil. I have high hopes for this craft, like making nails and a spangenhelm. Any advice?

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Hi BF and welcome!


If you look around here in the different sections (Forges, Anvils, Member Projects etc.) you can find way more info than only answers to your questions.


As for the anvil problem:


any - literally any - solid steel block works very well as a good beginner's anvil. Most popular choices are: railroad track piece (lying or standing), forklift tines as stump anvil, cube shaped pieces. I very much recommend to look around at the local scrapyard. I hardly can believe that you come out without a functional anvil substitute if you get the permit to enter and dig.

Well, and you have way much time to find a real anvil then. With no hurry you can even pick the best one, no need to rush into a bad purchase.


I wish you success in the process and then be careful - hot steel is highly addictive material  ;)


Happy hammering!




PS. You are going to be told by others (not by me) to put your general location into your profile, - because we are everywhere, closer than you've ever imagined. B)

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I forged about 40 nails for a Mastermyr chest using a 1 soft firebrick forge and doing it in my basement during an Ohio, USA winter...Soft firebrick is insulative and so takes a LOT less heat to run than hard firebrick.

Been in the SCA for 36 years now and so have done a bunch of stuff that will probably be like what you want to do.

As for anvils---think medievally! and use a block or stake anvil rather than the "johnny come lately" London Pattern...
(Think Hylestad stave church or the examples in "Cathedral Forge and Waterwheel")

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