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I Forge Iron


The Armourer

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Hi everybody, my name is Graeson and for the past two years I have been interested in metalworking. I just do sheet metal working and i like doing armour. I inherited a lot of my tools from my Grandpa and do a lot of improvising with tools. When i started my anvil was two concrete blocks, and my tools were an old carpentry hammer, old tin snips, a screwdriver, some spraypaint and a chair. Now I have a few more tools so my projects are turnimpng out better, but I am still young and only have enough patience to work on one project for a couple hours before I work on another. I will be taking a blacksmithing course sometime and hopefully start forging.

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This was my first armour project, Jango Fett's chest armour from Star Wars with modified shoulder plates. It looks very dented because I cot this metal by flattening out some folded cookie pans that some of my friends made in school but threw away, so I got my metal from a garbage. I had to pry the hems open with a screwdriver and knife, and then attempt to flatten them on concrete blocks as I said before. I then spray painted them silver because I did not know that I had a wire brush to polish it.

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Nope, still nothing. While you are trying to figure it out though, you may want to put your general location in your profile. Someone on this site may live within visiting distance. Recently someone joined who lives about 2 miles away from me and comes over to my shop to forge a couple of times a month. You can do that by editing your profile and it will be under the "location" section. Welcome to IFI!

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Ah technology! I am stumped, sorry guys. I can describe a few of my projects if you like. As I said I build Jango Fett armour, I built a shield in shops class, I build a helmet, a breastplate, and arm armour. I am currently working on a thin copper sword based on an Egyptian sword that I saw, a small cutlass mad from thin layers of steel folded on top of each other, although with no welding so it looks a bit weird depending on your view and it is very thin. I have started a back plate and leg armour and I will put shoulder armour on it once I have finished.

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Ah technology! I am stumped, sorry guys. I can describe a few of my projects if you like. As I said I build Jango Fett armour, I built a shield in shops class, I build a helmet, a breastplate, and arm armour. I am currently working on a thin copper sword based on an Egyptian sword that I saw, a small cutlass mad from thin layers of steel folded on top of each other, although with no welding so it looks a bit weird depending on your view and it is very thin. I have started a back plate and leg armour and I will put shoulder armour on it once I have finished.

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Ah technology! I am stumped, sorry guys. I can describe a few of my projects if you like. As I said I build Jango Fett armour, I built a shield in shops class, I build a helmet, a breastplate, and arm armour. I am currently working on a thin copper sword based on an Egyptian sword that I saw, a small cutlass mad from thin layers of steel folded on top of each other, although with no welding so it looks a bit weird depending on your view and it is very thin. I have started a back plate and leg armour and I will put shoulder armour on it once I have finished.

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Graeson: Howdy again. Stop worrying about posting a picture for now, frustration is causing your more headaches than it's worth. Relax, have a beverage and do some looking around. folk, myself included have posted pretty complete instructions for posting pics many times. Most certainly more complete and easier to follow than here so far. <grin>


Is your main goal for now armoring? You don't need much more than a couple hammers and some decent end grain wood, okay snips, punch, set, a dolly or two, not much more. I made SCA fighting armor for years with a closeout tool store, body/fender repair set, hand drill and rivet set.


Lose the concrete blocks, they make crumb anvils, just find something smooth and heavy till you find something better. Most any smooth face hammer is fine, a couple chisels and something to make a fire in with a blow drier for air and you're ready to get working. Wait till you take the blacksmithing class before you start thinking about getting tools and equipment, you'll have a much better idea what you need.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Yes, last year my grandpa gave me a small anvil and earlier i got a 200 pound anvil, several hammers, files, a drill press, bench grinder, angle grinder, orbit sander, tin snips, rubber mallet, vise, lots of gloves, masks, earplugs, sets of tools , clamps, etc and i am really liking using my new tools. I have found that some to the most useful tools i got are the anvils and hammers and mallet. I can now make the metal much smoother. When i had to use concrete for a an anvil by the end of my first project one block was crumbling and broke into several pieces. I dont think I will have that problem with my new anvil. Thanks for the advice. Would you reccomed building my own tools in a forge once i take my class or should i buy them?

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What are you trying to accomplish? If you just need forge time to practice trying to make your own tools is projects for practice. If you need to conserve money---mowing lawns and buying tools is probably the faster cheaper way of getting there.

The Complete Modern Blacksmith, Weygers, contains his book on "The Making of tools" which gets into making all the typical household tools as well---pliers for example. His "The Modern Blacksmith" was the book that got me started 34 years ago.

I tend to make only what I can't buy cheap at the fleamarket---my favorite set of bladesmithing tongs cost me US$1.50 for example; but I forged a set of Ti tongs to use in my gasser as they stayed cooler longer and don't mind being quenched. Remember other people's path(s) are not necessarily the only one(s) or even the best for *you*

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There are a number of tools that are excellent learning projects and not because they're easy for the beginner. Punches, chisels, etc. are decent beginner tool steel projects, they need heat treatment but are small enough safety shields are easy to make when you test them. Basically wrap them in a couple layers of cloth, denim is perfect then hit them with a hammer on a piece of steel. If they shatter they're too hard, the denim scatter shield will keep you reasonably safe, if they do what they're suppposed to, god for you. If they blunt or bend, anneal and heat treat again.


Tongs are good school and if you smith long you're gong to want to have a bunch on the wall. Having tongs that fit properly makes a huge difference.


One last bit for making your own tools being, nothing feels so good in your hand as a tool you made yourself, they rapidly become your favorites even when there's one right next to it that works better.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Thank you for the advice everybody. I will have to check out that book. I will also have to check out some flea markets. I would like to make all kinds of tools, years down the road when i move out i would like to make my own tools for yard work and in the house, etc

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To be honest, i am not really sure. I am not sure what tools i have that would work, so i will ask my teacher what he thinks. I hope to learn a lot in my course. Thank you for the book recommendation, i have been wanting to read up on some books about blacksmithing. Thanks for the advice, i think that i will check out some thrift shops and flea markets to find a few tools, but right now i am in no position to purchase anything, my funds are going to pay off my debt from buying materials for my shop. Thank you for the advice everybody, i will take it all under comsideration!

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