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I Forge Iron

Colonial Anvil?

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My buddy Mark spied this anvil sitting in the dirt under the drip line of a barn roof. He struck a deal and brought it home. We're both curious to it's approximate age and origin.  I spent a lot of time with a wire brush in different light conditions, any stamps or markings are long gone.

 The horn has 2 parallel lines that have aged in. I'm suspecting the manufacturers had laid in a strip of tool steel along the top of the horn, and it resisted wear more than the wrought base?

  It's cracked where the horn base connects to the waist, but still workable for light duty. Somebody had bushed the hardy hole with a piece of pipe. It's going to soak for a week before we try and remove it.

 We'd love to hear any clues to where and when it was born.

thanks, mike


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Greetings Mike,


That's a sweet find..  I love old anvils..  Like Josh says " IF IT COULD ONLY TALK "..  I would like to be able to trace its journey...   As to the pipe jammed in the hardie hole I would drill it out larger until the wall thickness is thin and than with a small drift it would collapse and come out.. Have fun


Forge on and make beautiful things


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