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I Forge Iron

Is this anvil worth it?

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That anvil is not worth US$100!  It is a cast iron ASO and will be quickly damaged doing standard blacksmithing tasks that a proper anvil should withstand for a century or two.


Seller is clueless or trying to scam someone by pricing it at real anvil price!

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I wonder if that is the one I once owned---had my only anvil stolen a couple of days before a day long demo at a museum and had to run out and buy *anything* and a 220# Buffalo ASO was all I could find---around 1982....Used it the *1* time and it would dent *under* hot spring steel being worked.  Never used it again.  Sold it at a loss to a fellow who promised NEVER to try to use it as an anvil or sell it on to someone as an anvil...That incident is probably why I now have back ups for my backups for most of my smithing tools.

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I've always wondered, why do they do the oddball shapes on the ASOs? They're thicker, clunkier, and have that short, chunky horn.


Surely they can do a better casting than that with only a smidgen of effort. Even aside from legit anvils with cast iron bodies under a steel plate, all the cast steel knockoff copies coming out of Mexico would prove that I would think....Couldn't they at least make one that looks like a real anvil?

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They are designed by people that don't really know anvils; I've several cartoon anvils that might have served as models for the "I gotta come up with an anvil design".  Probably not a lot of UK anvils to work from in China.


The mexican ones are merely being cast from original "real" anvils and not designed from scratch.  


It is interesting to look at modern anvils designed by SMITHS like the Nimba or Rathole ones.  You can tell what features they wanted!

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