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I Forge Iron

My new charcoal forge

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Ok, so the forge i was using which was a cast iron sink was working and even getting metal hot enough to melt. However, i was unable to position stock well and so i really needed a forge where i could get the positioning right. I also wanted to adapt the forge to a charcoal style so that fuel usage would be more efficient. I used some tile mortar and fire bricks to fill the inside with a 3/4" pipe and some 1/4" holes or maybe a bit smaller to air the charcoal. It seems like this set up will be very efficient seeing as the heat is held very well.  


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So basically a Tim Lively washtub forge variant.  Did you read all the old neo-tribal stuff on construction and tweaking of them?

I have not read that. Where can i find it? 


So, how did it turn out?

It is so efficient! It runs super hot, which is why im going to get some coal, because from my understanding, coal takes more air to get hot than charcoal.(keep burning my work...)

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