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I Forge Iron

My Blacksmith Shop

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The shop that I am an apprentice in is laid out in a very deliberate format. The forge, anvil, post vise, etc is placed in a semi circle so all of your components are about a half step away and you are not losing heat taking extra unwanted steps. The area around the vise and anvil are open to be able to move around it for bigger projects and multiple people(striking).

The first photo is of Doug Merkel demonstrating at the owner's forge at our last meeting. Notice the placement and area allowed to work. Behind Doug is the hand cranked blower and under it is the slack tub...

The second photo is me striking for Doug making his tomahawk...the set up allows us to move around the work area as needed.

I hope this may help in your decisions on setting up the shop.




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I am planning to mount my post vice on a 6x6 tube welded on a 3/8th x 3'x2' steel plate with a 18x24 3/8th welded plate on top of the tube. The idea is to stand on the plate when I use the vice. I cant put bolts in the floor. I was thinking I may want to put some diagonals on the tube to add strength on the verticle. Like webbing. I dont weld yet so I have to get this done. Do you think this will be sturdy enuff? I dont see me working on extremely large pieces of steel.


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1245 pounds.....Refflinghaus. It is a great tool to have and use in the shop. But the size of the anvil is not what is so important...it is the usability of what you have to work with and how you set it up to get the full workable potential out of whatever you have.

FP- I have a similar set up for the post vise I demoed with at Quad State. Having it mounted where I could stand on it was perfect. Good Idea!


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M.Brothers, (hopefully not Mark Brothers I knew back in OKC) lay out your forge using playground chalk on a parking lot. Now get several people with 5-10" piece of steel to mime working at the forge. If they can do so without endangering others then you are good to go.

It doesn't take much of a project to need long starting pieces, spirals, bends, etc eat stock quickly!

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well What a night, we inally are getting some rain, met Randy McDaniels, and spoke to Peyton all with in an hr. Coincidence city. Got my post vice set up and its killer. I will try and get some pics up so you can see the smithy. Will be going to Amelia.
Tomorrow it time to make sparks


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