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I Forge Iron

Newbie saying Hi to all


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Just joined this morning and wanted to greet all.  Just starting the madness and going to set up shop if the snow stops falling.

Any help for me finding what I need would be appreciated. Going to an auction for a anvil and coal forge this weekend.  I plan

on using the shop for all farm needs and woodworking ideas too...too many ideas in my head.

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Welcome to the group.  If you see a post vise at the auction at a reasonable price you probably want to pick it up.  Review the information here and at anvilfire regarding old anvils if you haven't already done so.  You can make a coal forge yourself and there's plenty of information here & online on how to do so.

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. PA is pretty good for finding blacksmithing tools and equipment and good coal isn't far off. If you haven't already, pull up a comfy chair, bring a lunch and something to drink and start reading here. most everything you need has been covered from testing and evaluating anvils to making your own . . . everything.


We love pics, from mystery tools ad ones to help evaluate to projects, shop, kids, yard, pets, dinner. Oh, just about any darned thing. <wink>


Frosty The Lucky.

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