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Power Hammer dies not parallel.

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A problem has arisen on my Beaudry's Peerless and kinda answered my previous problem

I have been making a new set of dies and with the originals removed I've noticed the ram isn't level with the top of the anvil.

There is a 7mm difference between left to right.

This is obviously why work pieces are getting twisted whilst forging and getting
pushed away from the dies The top of the anvil is off level. It is sat on a level
base of concrete on 18mm exterior grade ply.
My guess is the base is not a good cast.

I could level the anvil but it weighs 500kg and think the front which is the lowest side would cut into the ply.

I've no access to a milling machine to mill the dies.

Here are the photos with the problem.

Anyone with any solutions will recive a big kiss in the post!!! The only thing I can come up with is to shim the bottom die to level but is this a good idea??


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Greetings John,


I think if it was mine I would release the sow block ,  Install a 14mm flat plate on the bottom than shim fit to the hammer frame and bottom plate.   You could do this with a pry bar and a little oomph.   Good luck..


Forge on and make beautiful things


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no, no, no, NO.


Johnnie, you are not done checking and measuring yet.


You need to systematically work through the machine and accurately compare measurements.

Are the dies symmetrical, if they are not, then can they be swapped top to bottom or reversed? try each combination and compare the gap. making sure they are securely fitted before measuring. While you are at it, look at the vertical alignment of the dies and jaws with a set square.

Can the anvil block be fitted turned the other way? Just because that is the way it was when you picked it up doesn't make it correct. get a torch and some feeler gauges and make sure it is hard up against the back plate.

if the anvil can be spun around, then bring the ram down and measure and mark the milled surfaces of the jaws, walk the anvil out and have a good look at the mating surfaces that the clamping bolts are holding together for anything wedging it out, spin it around and fit it and clamp it back in (making sure it is hard against the back plate) and remeasure the jaws.

Make sure that the ram jaws are 90o to the travel of the ram. if not, can that be on backwards or perhaps it was replaced during its life and not milled to match.

Is it bent?

Once you know exactly what you are dealing with and feel sure you have pinpointed the problem correctly, you can decide if shimming the anvil away from the upright is the right option or a compromise solution.

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Hi again guys,
OK the anvil/ sow block is definatly the original as it slides into the main
body of the hammer. No way of turning it around.

The ram is bang on level and the dies are not running parallel to each other
although they are both individually spot on......it has to be the anvil.

I've removed the anvil bolts and with a 5mm x 50mm flat bar packed
underneath and behind the anvil where it meets the hammer casting.

Unfortunately I cannot remove the anvil now as I have resined 20mm
rag bolts into the concrete. Not good as I wanted to see exactly what the problem was.

I am now 2mm off level, I am using her tomorrow and really hope to
see an improvement.

Thank you all for your time to advise on whats best. I shall keep you posted.

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