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I Forge Iron

Labor working


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Does the term rhinoplasty come to mind? OTOH there are many things I have done when I was young and immortal that I would NOT suggest to someone in that current state---*especially* on an open forum!

Thomas the ten fingered (and most of them still work fairly well!)

I always liked the quote "The culture that prizes bad philosphers over good plumbers will have neither theories nor pipes that will hold water!"

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 I'll have you know we never did anything destructive with the contact explosives and other various FAST burning compounds.

Frosty The Lucky.



This line sort of doesn't ring true somehow????? :D





Well, outside of some windows once, we didn't damage anything that hadn't been abandoned. (dumped cars in the dry wash) I made a canon that shot marbles and it'd punch right through car doors and then some. We were careful not to damage anything of value.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Todays society is sadly swirling in the tolite bowl headed for the sewer. Its all about the milliseconds. gotta have it now or should of gotten it yesterday before i wanted it, the jobs that keep our country afloat (USA) a majority have been exported. And what jobs do remain get no respect. Even though the people who we provide the services to would be drowning, dead or starving without us

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