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I Forge Iron

Simple rose and flower in frame

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Lei: Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header we won't keep bugging you about it.


Nice piece, especially for a beginner, it has a nice organic flow to it a very good representation of a rose.


The framed flower is a little too regular and well centered. that may sound like a pretty shallow critique but it'll be more pleasing to the eye if the subject is a little off center in a frame and flowers are rarely straight so a littl angle or bend in the stem and it'll be more pleasing to the eye.


Don't worry about your grammar, it's just fine, we're blacksmiths not english teachers grading papers. Slovakia is about the only Slovakian word I know.


Frosty The Lucky.

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i did what u said me about my profile and when i saw your location...ALASKA...my heart is beating. Once i want to visit this amazing country. I hope my dream come true, someday. 

U know am naturally founded guy, am fascinated with wild nature which is typical for alaska. 


but back to the topic, thanks for criticism. I spend all my free time in workshop, still thinking about my next projects etc. am going to forge this weekend, i hope my creation will be "good as lasts".


Viktor (Lei)

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If you ever get this far please let me know I'd love to host you for some touring and playing with hot steel and hammers. Heck, I'll probably try to get you elected to office in the Alaskan club. They elected me president when I went to the bathroom ad won't elect someone else. <sigh> Oh I have it! I'll use my vast presidential powers and appoint you ambassador at large! I'll bet we'll be the only blacksmith club with a Slavakian office! Perfect!


Frosty The Lucky.

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