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I Forge Iron

Newbie from washington state


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Hello everyone found this site a little while ago and have been lurking, burnt a bit of metal here and there especially in the welding program at college but i started burning metal long ago and just getting back into it and working on my first forge build so ill ask this which is better for using to forge, coal, charcoal or gas? Im looking at building a brake drum forge but am open to ideas. 

 I look forewards to plenty of interaction with everyone on the board.

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Welcome to the site,
On the main forum page there is a section for  "Forges" here is a link for "Solid Fuel Forges" section.

On the top of that list there is a "pinned" thread on coal vs charcoal,vs gas - good read and will most likely answer some of your questions
Within that section there is pages of threads about forges - 49 Pages of content, 2,500+ topics and over 24,000 replies - just in that "Forges" section. Scroll through the topics on each page and you'll see that there has been many threads containing the answers to your questions

Happy reading. Well worth the time.

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Geoff im down south of olympia a little ways, thanks for the Info Jeremy ive dropped by there but will definately look more into it, as far as making a forge i am leaning towards a brake drum forge to start out since i have access to a good supply of them through my job and because i think i can build one for under $100 and i like that kind of challenge

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Any savings you get on the materials will quickly get bypassed by the cost of fuel.  Good coal is hard to get here, and expensive, and a forge like that will consume charcoal like a wood chipper eating logs.


A gas forge is only a bit more to build, simpler to run, and cheaper to feed.


Just my .02



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Which is the better vehicle---a toyota corolla or a logging truck?    Kind of hard to answer without knowing if you are doing a lot of communting on the highway or need to get a pile of logs down off the mountain.
Same way with forges.  Depending on the exact circumstances that !*YOU*! have any one of those could be better or worse than the others.
I'm impressed by you being able to build if for under US$100---last brake drum I did the forge, blower, anvil and basic tools cost under $25 and no welding was involved. (and it was my favorite billet welder for years...)
If you are in suburbia charcoal or propane or natural gass will circumvent a LOT of issues.  If you are in the boonies with lots of slash piles then charcoal may be easier than having to fetch in coal or propane.
The type of work you want to do makes a difference too.

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