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I Forge Iron

cupping tool

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I made this rounding hammer cupping tool this AM. It took about 2hours by myself. It was made from 1 1/2 scrap yard axle. It upset a little off center and is not as deep of a cup as I was wanting I'm thinking of forging to square then octagon then round again to maybe deepen the cup. Right now its about 5/16 deep.I used a 1 7/8 ball hitch to form the cup it was a little small for the shape I was shooting for. If any thing it will get me to make a cupping tool top swage that can be ground to the profile I want and then I can make a new cupping tool.let me know what you think good or bad.

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Looks good! if you want more cupping, instead of going square, octagon and then round, just go all the way around it, round, this will promote the fish mouthing more readily.... Do not hit too hard because you only want the outer edges to move (colapse)



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Johnnie

Personally Eric I think you have 10 out of 10 for effort. I will be doing the same as soon as the weather coooooools down. 

Keep us posted on the other tools your making.

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Thanks for the comments.I ended up forging it round as Alec suggested and it worked great.I was able to get the depth I wanted.Here are a few pics. My striking anvil I built a couple of months back is now on a 42" x 42" x 6" pad. I have to have it outside because my shop is only 8' x 16' with 8' cielings.The anvil is only about 6' from the forge. The only trouble is seeing the color at the end of the heat.


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