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I Forge Iron

cracks in an anvil

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yes no maybe:  If it's an anvil that should ring (not all types do) and it still rings then the crack is probably un-important and actually may just be a remnant of where chunks of metal were forge welded together to form the anvil---if it's that type.


If the crack is in a non-important place---last anvil I bought was missing one of it's feet but the face was superb!  I rather like *broken* anvils as you can get a GREAT anvil at a GREAT price just because other folks don't realize that broken doesn't have to mean useless.  My loaner anvil is missing the heel, 130# for US$40 with a hard flat face and a usable horn---I added a prosthetic hardy hole to it too.


Now if it's a ringing anvil and it *doesn't* ring---then there is a crack *somewhere* and may actually be the face delaminating from the body---I avoid those.

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Welcome aboard fishy guy, glad to have you. That's an awfully general question to expect much of an answer. It'd be like me asking what kind of line should I use on my fishing rod?


There are lots of factors as Thomas points out. Is the crack visible? Where is it? Got pictures? What's the make of the anvil? Those are just a start.


Frosty The Lucky.

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