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I Forge Iron

Mastermyr hammer


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Frosty, I agree, Jim would most likely added that story to the growing list of incidents, accidents and close calls.

That is from the fellow that was sitting in the window seat of Jim's truck when it lost both dual wheels from the drivers side of the truck. I SAW the wheels PASS the truck and continue down the highway as the brake drum scratched and gouged it's way into the pavement coming to a stop.

Whitesmith was sitting between Jim and myself and was the one that went into the woods to retrieve the tire and rim. What a story he can tell, actually seeing Jim run the wheels off his truck. (grin)

Not the same safety topic, but . . . now you know the rest of the story.

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Thanks Glenn. I was starting to think I'd crossed the line.

I didn't know Jim and only talked to him electronically a couple times. The things I was most impressed with are:

How universally he was liked.

How quick he was to take credit for his mistakes.


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