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I Forge Iron

Entry Level Blacksmith Accreditation

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Go ahead and establish a national standard to be a blacksmith.  Require different levels of proficiency, education, experience, and testing. 


Then get ready to be regulated by your government and find out that you need an occupational license to call yourself a blacksmith or start a blacksmith business.


New Jersey just added this one recently to a list that now contains more than 53 occupations.


Interior Design Examination and Evaluation Committee


Welcome to the Website of the Interior Design Examination and Evaluation Committee.

Welcome to the website of the New Jersey Interior Design Examination and Evaluation Committee. The Committee is responsible for protecting the public’s health and safety by determining the qualifications of interior designers seeking certification in this State, establishing standards for certification, and disciplining licensees who do not adhere to those requirements.

"Certified interior designer" is an individual (someone) who through education, training, and experience is skilled in interior design services for commercial and residential spaces and is certified by the Board and holds a current, valid certificate.


Unintended consequences!

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It's amazing what you can fit in under the guise of "public health and safety"!


Yes it is.  But it is not about "public health and safety"  or consumer protection.  It is about fees, money, protectionism, and lobbies. 


I don't want to hijack the thread but just pointing out the handwriting on the wall.  Give them a standard and they will find a way to extract $$ from you. 


I now have to maintain 3 licenses to run my business.  Every new jurisdiction I take a job in (like a new county) I need a new license at the average cost of $175 per year, not to mention the time you have to take off to go take some inane business law test that has nothing to do with the trade. 


 These are the times that we live in here in the good ol USA.

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I've given out lots of certificates, and some are kept and some are framed and hung. It has more to do with muddling through and being proud than flashing it as an addendum to one's résumé.


One of my students told me, "You should write a book titled Intermediate Blacksmithing for Beginners". We all forge weld the first day.

Where do I go to pay for my copy of said book, Mr. Turley?

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I've given out lots of certificates, and some are kept and some are framed and hung. It has more to do with muddling through and being proud than flashing it as an addendum to one's résumé.


One of my students told me, "You should write a book titled Intermediate Blacksmithing for Beginners". We all forge weld the first day.


Your student is right.  As one of the progenitors of the modern blacksmithing movement it would be very fitting. I would buy one.  Or two or three to pass round.  :)

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Never underestimate the power of one individual to chart the course of a movement that lives on long after the founder: there would have been no Boy Scouts without Baden-Powell, no ABS without Moran, and no Golden Age of American iron without Yellin. 


If a few greats of the modern era, such as Ross and Turley who have already chimed in here, would offer to help chart that path for ABANA, they would be fools not to run with it. And yes, I would buy that book.


In the past year I have missed out on one class with Aspery and one with Turley, so I am paying my own way to JC Campbell Folkschool next month.

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