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I Forge Iron

Horse sculptures (kinda wip)

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Hya there! I have been working on a Uni projekt for a few weeks now. The topic is movement and stagnation(no movement?) Along the way I have been making a few studies of stylized horsefigures to try out methods of showing movement etc. And well, I wanted to share them with you. =)








I will probably post the finished product/s when Im done. But It may take a while. There are only 24 hours in a day and 48 horse of work to be cramed in to them every day :P


Cheers! - Jens

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They're pretty cool Jens.Horse comes through loud and clear though they seem a little menacing. I believe it's the sharp angles and points.the second one represents the power and grace of a war horse.


Well done Jens.


Frosty The Lucky.

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They're pretty cool Jens.Horse comes through loud and clear though they seem a little menacing. I believe it's the sharp angles and points.the second one represents the power and grace of a war horse.


Well done Jens.


Frosty The Lucky.

ay, they are a bit angular. I am working on more... organic,  and with more movement (hopefully:P) Thank you for the compliment =)

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although i really like something about how the mane is made on the second one, i think i personally prefer the first - it is simple and describes the horse really well -  working on the principal of taking away Everything that is not absolutely necasary can often be very powerful. and i dont think you particularly lack anything at this scale either - its the lines that are important. very large would present you with new difficulties too eh! :) 

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I agree Beth. The first one says horse beautifully and these will work just as powerfully on almost any scale, from ear ring to sky scraper, the message comes through loud and clear.


There's nothing I don't like about these sculptures, I just want to see more of them.


Frosty The Lucky.

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although i really like something about how the mane is made on the second one, i think i personally prefer the first - it is simple and describes the horse really well -  working on the principal of taking away Everything that is not absolutely necasary can often be very powerful. and i dont think you particularly lack anything at this scale either - its the lines that are important. very large would present you with new difficulties too eh! :)

Keeping it at that scale yea :P (only got my arms for the work anyways :F) I was surprised myself when I saw how well the still horse came out. The only problem with this figure is that its a bit to 2d for what I was after. Have been going a totally different direction now with more enfaces on organic movement. 


I agree Beth. The first one says horse beautifully and these will work just as powerfully on almost any scale, from ear ring to sky scraper, the message comes through loud and clear.


There's nothing I don't like about these sculptures, I just want to see more of them.


Frosty The Lucky.

Thank you Frosty! Sadly Im not sure if im going to do more in this style tough. Got two earlier tryouts tough which I can post. And ofc. the further experimentation in a totally new direction. Stay tuned!


There are only 24 hours in a day and 48 horse of work...............Truer words were never spoken and the older you get the truer it gets. I like that first one too, the second one is OK but looks like a shaman in costume dancing, that ain't all bad either you know.

Shaman... I like that! Think I´ll just rename it "the dancing shaman" from now on ^^

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branch man - i understand totally about the 2d thing and its limitations - and i know also what your trying to get after with your second piece and the more 3d feel. i  have seen a couple of very successful ( i think :) ) sculptures made quite simply, like your top piece, but with some thick forged plate as well as more linear "drawn" elements - thats another way of simplifying whilst still getting life in more planes/directions - and adding some visual bulk/contrast. i dunno - just thinking out loud - i like this subject :) i like what your doing though and what your trying to do. and as i said before, i really like how his mane is made, and his head, for me, is pretty lovely. the thing with the top one is that you have given just enough information for the imagination to enjoy filling in the rest... are you mainly interested in sculptural work?

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Update! woop!  First off I thought some of you might be interested in the first tryouts before the two. 


I actually started with a bit more intricate work of a jumping horse in mid air. It was interesting, but a bit too much fiddlework and not the dynamic look I needed.






So, what to do when it doesn´t work? Simplify!


This was a not too sucsessfull prancing horsey! Tried a bit of coloring with temper (so I have something to show in the assignment)




So now you know what happened before. Well... here is afterwards!


As said above Simplify!...-ish. Now they are different thats for sure, but this prototype fits better for their purpose. It´s not quite there yet, but the general idea is in place.






I say they because I´ve made four of them now, but only got picture of this one, will post the others soon. 


Oh and here is how the blanks look like


post-14088-0-23372300-1368553573_thumb.j wacked out of reebar and then cut and bend :P




Very similar to how foals learn to walk, forming this figure. Here is a horse trying to get the hang of its hind legs ^^




I hope you are hoofing a good time and wrinsk you later! 



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branch man - i understand totally about the 2d thing and its limitations - and i know also what your trying to get after with your second piece and the more 3d feel. i  have seen a couple of very successful ( i think :) ) sculptures made quite simply, like your top piece, but with some thick forged plate as well as more linear "drawn" elements - thats another way of simplifying whilst still getting life in more planes/directions - and adding some visual bulk/contrast. i dunno - just thinking out loud - i like this subject :) i like what your doing though and what your trying to do. and as i said before, i really like how his mane is made, and his head, for me, is pretty lovely. the thing with the top one is that you have given just enough information for the imagination to enjoy filling in the rest... are you mainly interested in sculptural work?

I appreciate that you are thinking out loud! =D I havent thought much more about further work on the sculpture, but maybe I should, to see what comes out of it. 


As for sculptural work... Well, actually not. I came into this craft via bladesmithing (patternwelding <3) etc. But I am enjoying this kind of work too. Only been doing this craft for the last 5 years spread over the summer vacations ++ (about 1 - 1/2 month of work a year) So have had enough of work trying to become good at bladesmithing and all the dodads which comes with it. After my studies though (arts and crafts teacher) I thought of going to artschool for metalsmithing and jewelry so Im probably starting on the path to more sculptural work soon. =) 

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eek really sorry -  i was so keen to look at the photos on your first post, i did not realise it was a PAIR - movement and stagnation, that you were making! apologies - i need to slow down when i read... i LOVE LOVE LOVE that blank! it looks amazing - i just really like that thing as an object, nice and ragged looking, it has a lot of good feeling in the way its cut . and i really like how youve shaped that one out - it looks primitive and appealing - the way its made is how it looks if you know what i mean. its food for thought for me how you made that, it seems very free and not overly laboured. i do like the other one too, the one you say was a bit fiddlework - i think it looks very lively, and non stagnating! lots of jagged lines, almost abstracts the horse a bit. nice project! i do lots of different things myself (not blades, but although im not interested in making them, i love to look at them) and so i understand what a long time it can all take.. glad your doing sculptures as well as blades :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice work. I have a small suggestion............. in photo number  2 the horses hind legs look human not equine , if you reverse the

'knee" bend to the rear and mount it further towards the tail it may give a different look. just a thought. I love what you are doing with steel. cheers

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Sorry for the delay guys! Been very busy lately but now the assignment is finished and its beeing judged as we speak. I feel very satisfied with the result. Sadly the pictures are a bit bad tough. I´ll get a friend whos a wizz with photografy to take better detail pictures later. But I hope you get alteast something out of it. =)










Thank you again for your time and have fun! 


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