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I Forge Iron

Jeweler's anvil

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I came across this photo in an old folder.It is a jeweler's anvil I made for a friend's birthday several years back.I think it(face) was just 3/4" square mild stock.Anyway, I figured it would last longer than her crappy cast iron one.She is still using it last I heard.


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approved!  i have been drawing up something similar based on splitting the end of a piece of sucker rod into a Y and then bending it out after taper/shaping the forks.  it would be considerably easier to just start with a bit of square and weld it onto a shank though....

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Quit putting it off Frosty and just do it, it ain't all that time consuming you know. You ought to take a look at the ones Sam made, go to his Face Book page I think, they are really nice looking, you ought to be able to do as good or better. He forged them and then ground them smooth, I'd love to have one like that. I made one out of mild steel and it is all ding to pieces, I've had to refinish it several time as every ding telescopes into the silver and has to be worked out.

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Well done! Don't let Deb see it or I'll have to make her one.


Frosty The Lucky.



Quit putting it off Frosty and just do it, it ain't all that time consuming you know. You ought to take a look at the ones Sam made, go to his Face Book page I think, they are really nice looking, you ought to be able to do as good or better. He forged them and then ground them smooth, I'd love to have one like that. I made one out of mild steel and it is all ding to pieces, I've had to refinish it several time as every ding telescopes into the silver and has to be worked out.




I believe this is what you mean



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