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I Forge Iron

First topic, first sun.

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Hello to all, my name is Adomas, I'm from Lithuania. I'm new at this forum. And I want to share my first forged sun. 

I guess, some of you may wonder why it is called sun. In Lithuanian mythology we have God called Teliavelis, he is a blacksmith. 

There is a myth, that the earth was dark and everywhere was evil spirits, but God Teliavelis forged a Sun and thrown into the sky. So we have folk art that could be called sunsmithing. It is similar to cross, but it is more ornamented and have different meaning. 


 Sorry for my bad English.




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Love the sun, nice effect with the rivets.


It stems from different mythologies, but the sun cross is common in lots of parts of the world, including my favorite, the celtic cross.


And your "bad English" is better than many native speakers. Thanks for sharing, I now have something new to add to my long wish-list of projects. :)

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Welcome aboard Adomas, glad to have you. It's helpful if you put your general location in the header.


I really like the sun cross, I see lots of ideas for organic pieces, especially sea life. That's inspiration for me and has little or nothing to do with how beautiful your piece is.


Thanks for sharing.


Frosty the Lucky.

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Great work. Are you a professional smith or a hobbyist? 

Europeans need to stop apologizing for their English, your sentence structure and grammar is far better the the grammar of many native speakers as 'Nobody Special' said,it is  even some that post on this forum.

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Thanks for good words! I'm really glad you like it. 

I'm hobbyist and apprentice for about a year, but I don't have much time to work, because I'm also studying. But in the future I hope to become a smith. I already have build my own workshop :)

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