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I Forge Iron

Cole Drill Ratchet

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I scored this drill for $5 at a garage sale today. It is missing the part that engages the ratchet which I assume mounts in the small hole on the nut. Having never actually scene one of these drills before I don’t know what it looks like. Could someone post a picture of the missing mechanism?






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I have 3 cole drills like yours ..  Its just a toggle that engages the handle  See the above from Google...  You have a complete drill and you are lucky..

Clean it up and you will find its a very usefull tool..



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I won't be in my shop until late tomorrow.  But if you have an old drill brace it works the same way...  You use the large nut for pressure on the drill...

They work slick.... This assembly was used with the Cole vise which had a place under the jaws to hold the drill...  You also have the rare V block that is used for center drilling of pulleyes and such...


You are indeed have a lucky find for the money...



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