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I Forge Iron

hi from off-grid canadian prairie


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Hello all..


 I'm a newbie, looking through this forum and learning.


 I've got a little shack to work in, my farrier anvil and a larger, old, shop anvil...a one burner propane farrier forge and an old farmer's coal forge (which needs some work on the blower and a better way to vent out of the shop)


 I've got very, very little electricity.. (no welders, plasma cutters, power hammers, etc).. so I guess I'll be working on smaller-scale things and hopefully  learning about riveting / wire wrapped joints / forge welds...  


 my goal is to do artful, organic-looking things..and i'd love to learn to combine steel with other materials (glass, stones, barnwood, branches, etc)  (i'm also a beginner with the horseshoeing, so i can't draw on much of that experience yet)


 looking forward to learning and sharing on the forum!

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Being off grid is a blessing. I was off the grid on my ranch in Nevada. No electricity,no phone,six miles off the blacktop and 15 miles to the nearest neighbor. I actually got more things done there than anywhere because of the lack of distractions. Played fiddle in town on Saturday nights. Gave me social contact and even got to talk to few redheads over the years.

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