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I Forge Iron

just a few questions about blade smithing

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Rebar is *NOT* suitable for knives if you are planning to go towards pro work.

Car coil spring is suitable and you should be able to find it free. 1 spring usually does 15-20 knives.

Handles; have you read the Complete Bladesmith by Hrisoulas? If you live in the USA try asking your local public library to ILL it for you.

Also get a cheap bench vise and make some faceplated for it so you can use it as a glueing vise both for sides on slab handles and for length for hidden tang knives

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Have you visited any of the blade sites and done searches for the info you are looking for? I will put up some links for you if you have not found them yet.
BladeForums.com - Powered by vBulletin
The Knife Network Forums : Knife Discussions - Custom Knife Community Discussion Boards
Custom Knives and Guns Forum - Powered by vBulletin
Forum Index - Knifeforums.com - Intelligent Discussion for the Knife Enthusiast - Powered by FusionBB
there is a world of information out there about knives and how to make them.

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A good way to figure out how to do a handle on a knife is to look at as many knives as you can. Find knife shops or big box sporting goods stores, small gun shops or knife shops. Look the see how the handle goes on and think of how that might work for you. Pick up knives at yard sales or thrift stores. ones with broken blades are cheap or free. Take them apart and see what is inside.

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Also faceplates that extend up from the jaws with a slot to allow you to compress a handle down on the guard for hidden tang versions.

what Thomas said.
been tryin' to come up with a version of that my self.
here is a handy jig oupa made just for this :D
you can pick up an inexpensive bar clamp from harbor freight , cut off the end ,weld on a slot end to hold the blade in and your ready to go.


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