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I Forge Iron

My Projects


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Just finished up my final class project (fire poker) and figured I'd post up all my school projects and update with my personal projects as i go. It all started out with a simple drive hook a few months ago. 


I've only been forging for about three months now, so I've got a long way to go, but I feel like I'm making some progress.  I'm starting advanced classes after the first of the year and will also be attending John C. Campbell Folk School in the very near future for a joinery class.  Can't wait to learn more techniques.








































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Cool, keep up the good work. I really like the leafs on the hooks on the rack. How'd you get the green color?




First I coated the entire rack and hooks with Watco Dark Walnut Danish Oil, then highlighted the leaves with Verdigris & African Bronze Gilders Paste.

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 Very nice work. You are well on your way to a lifetime of pleasure. If you haven't attended classes at JCC Folk School you are in for a treat.  After your traditional joinery plan on attending Clay Spencer's Advanced Course.   



Somebody else mentioned Clay Spencer's class to me, that's definitely one on top of my list to take.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There looks like more detail in the vine itself on the first business card holder. What technique did you use to get those intricate lines?


I used some texture stock I had laying around that I picked up from King Architectural Metals.  I usually use my Kayne vine spring swage to texture stock though.  


I also didn't use as much base green on the second one, so when the ridges are highlighted with the bronze it doesn't show depth & detail as good.

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  • 4 months later...

I made some removable shelf brackets last week for some product displays and finished up some shelf brackets this past weekend.  I messed up the shelf brackets by rushing a little, but I'm hoping once they get installed they won't look too bad.  I'm still struggling a little when I have to make multiples of an item, I can free style and make one of something, but when I have to make more than one it gets a little intense for me......hopefully this will get better with time and experience.


I'll post up some pictures of the newest shelves after I install them this coming weekend.










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Greetings 01,


It's fun to see the dates on this post and note your progress.  By now you must have been to J C.  It shows in your work...  I wish you well and continue the great work...



Thank you Jim for the encouragement.  


Unfortunately, time and funds have not allowed me to attend John Campbell yet, so I'm still just making it up as I go :D .  


Attending JC is on my "To Do" list this year.

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I finally got to install two projects that I've been working on, one was our display shelves, which to my surprise worked out well.


The other project I was tasked with was to build a wall mounting bracket for a sink my brother-in-law wanted to install in their cabin, he still has to paint all of the plumbing pipes, but the bracket turned out very stout. I was worried it wouldn't be heavy enough and may have flexed some, but thankfully it turned out very solid.  I suggested building a decorative sheet metal shroud to hide all my ugly plumbing work, but he's insistent on simply painting everything.  






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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I really appreciate everyone's encouragement and kind words.  Sometimes I get myself down because a certain piece doesn't turn out like I wanted it to, but I have to keep reminding myself that less than a year ago I had never seen a forge....or coal for that matter in real life.  This art is teaching me some much needed patience and how to enjoy the journey.


Here's a tea light candle holder I made from a piece of driftwood that had spent some time in a bonfire n it's previous life.



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