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I Forge Iron

Who was looking for a military "forge in a box"?


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Totally can't remember, and I lost the PM's I had.


Anyhow, this one just popped up on ebay and it looks a like it's in very good condition except for the rust.  The price is certainly very nice, too.  Hope it goes to a good home!








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Did you read the description? Sounds pretty rough to me, missing parts, rust damage, etc. "This is for one Champion Blower & Forge. I had received the blower in nonworking order as it was froze up with rust. After soaking the gears in solvent I was able to free it up and get it working. I filled it full with a lightweight oil but noticed there were some leaks around the seals of the upper gears but it will hold some oil. It turns fairly easily and does blow air. The gears seem to mesh well despite some rust disintegration on them. I have taken a picture of the worst spot. The seal between the two halves will also need to be replaced as the gasket is not fully intact leaving a gab in the upper part of the blower. The crank handle is missing the wood. The box has surface rust and pitting but still feels very solid. There is a small gap in one of the corners of the box that may need to be welded, It needs some attention to be put back into use. The center grate has been replaced using a piece from an identical forge box. The lid looks to have been hinged at one point but the hinges are gone now. This item is being sold mainly as a restoration project or for parts as I feel it could actually be put back into use"

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Yes, Tom, I read the description!  This is the one "forge in a box" that I've seen on that site that looks reasonably good, for a reasonably good price.  You have a blower, tuyere and pan, for a decent "buy now" price.  Might need some work, but most forges do.


Can't recall who was talking about wanting one, but it was an IFI member in the northeast and I thought I'd help out.  If it's not needed, cool beans.  A bit of sheet-metal work is small potatoes compared to some of them I've seen.


Just trying to help.

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Besides the little bit of missing gear teath, it seems to be pretty solid. The only part he mentions missing is the wood handle. He mentions the gasket to seal it, but these things weren't meant to hold oil. Sounds like a rather good piece, I'd grab it up if I had the money.

I will second that.  Good deal for something nicer than some forges in use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, I appreciate the Post, that was me looking for the portable military forge. I did locate one in pretty sad condition, which I am planning to refurbish, but I  remain on the lookout for serviceable forges of this type.


Hope all is well with you and yours and I wish you all a safe, relaxing holiday and a Happy New Year.



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