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I Forge Iron

First knife

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Mild steel is a poor knife material. It doesn't have enough carbon to be hardened. As for mounting a handle on the tang, what kind of tang do you have? Attaching a handle on a full-tang knife will be different than a hidden tang.

Look at the knifemaking stickies for valuable information.

It sounds like you have little experience with metalwork. There are many experienced smiths that will advise you to start with basic blacksmithing and metalwork, and then learn your way from there. Knives are finicky for even the most seasoned smith.

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Making a quality knife requires proficiency in many blacksmithing skills. You need to know what steel you are working with and how hot to work it. You need to understand how metal moves under your hammer, how to efficiently work the steel and not leave hammer marks. Then you need to have at least a basic comprehension of thermal cycling to harden and temper the blade, as well as various techniques for fit and finish.

Granted, anyone can grind an edge on a piece of scrap, wrap some leather or para-cord around the handle and call it a knife. A quality blade, however, requires skill, patience, and attention to detail, and the end product will usually beat the pants off any poorly made knife-shaped-object.

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If you wont read the threads suggested to you here, we cant help you, If you want to pretend to read that your call. If you did read them you would have seen the deffinitions for terms, as you needed to start with basic skills first, that was in the my opening statement fo rthe 100 series classes, and in the pinned New knife maker thread.

So you didnt read the posts or follow prior instruction from WmHorus, Maillemaker or listen to Rich and I in the chat room either, tell me again why we should keep this going further?

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