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I Forge Iron

Vice screw problem


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Hi all, I am in the process of buying some tools from my neighbor who use to build chuck wagons but is now retiring. I recently bought a work bench that has a post vice at one end and a bench mounted vice at the other end. The bench mounted vice came from his father who got it from a guy who used it to repair Model A's, so the vice is close to a hundred years old. The problem is the vice wont open without my pushing on the back as I turn the screw. Once out it tightens up fine but wont loosen without help. This could be a problem if I have some hot metal to twist and cant get it out without an extra set of hands. I have taken it apart and the threads all seem fine. The screw fits into a threaded holder that is also removable but doesn’t appear to have any damage to it. Any suggestions?

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Are there any score marks on the front part of the threads on the removable part of the vice? The threads may seen fine on the male part for want of a better description but have you checked the internal threads?

I guess there's a build up of compressed dirt & possibly fillings given the age of the vice. I would suggest you take the vice off the work bench and soak it in thinners or diesel. Give it a good soaking and give it a chance to break up and then clean it best you can. I'm sure you'll be surprised what comes out from the internal threads that should not be there.

A good clean down, drop of heavy oil on those threads and re-assemble, job good as new. (That's only a suggestion fella, hope it helps!!)

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Smiddy - If the threads look fairly good - they probably are. Does your vise have a spring in the middle to open the jaws? If not one is needed to fix this, its an easy fix to make one, or if your vise does have a spring - re-adjustment may be all that is needed. Is the lower pivot point free to move easily and lubed?

Here is a link to info on a vise spring with a couple pictures of what you'll need if yours doent have one:


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I'm with Timothy Miller on this one. I had the same problem on a vise I had once. When I disassembled it I found I'd sheared off a pin that went through the threaded shaft. Replacing the pin fixed everything. Although eventually the pin sheared off again and I decided to get a new vise.

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