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I Forge Iron

Two anvils salvaged from the junkyard

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At two different trips to the local junkyard I managed to save two different anvils from being melted into new tuna cans.

This one weight about 65 kg, as marked, and had almost no rust, only a nice patina.
What seems to be a crack in the face next to the square horn turned out to be only a superficial imperfection.
Having a 60% rebound and a not very clear ping it's a bit softer than the borrowed kohlswa I was using.

Bought as junk for 34 euro I guess it's pretty good for a first anvil.

I tried to no avail to identify the makers mark (last pic). Can anyone help me on that?
Yesterday a couple of you tried to help me on the chat, but I didn't remember I had this last pic.

Will post pics of anvil #2 on next post.

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I know folks who would maim for an anvil like that! Nice features, *great* condition and *great* price!

Unfortunately most of us ID anvils using "Anvils in America" which is a extremely light on European anvils not imported into the USA in any quantities.

The trademark looks clear enough to use if we can get any European Anvil mavens onboard.

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Hi all, thanks for the replies.

Still haven't found who made it... will continue searching for the sake of curiosity.

Pics on the #2, also saved from being melted.
This one was a bit less cheap, it turned out to weight 68 kg (150 lb). 34 €.

The rebound is about 80% and the ring is deafening. It's now my main anvil, although it forces me to use ear protection.

The plate is almost pristine except for some small indents in an edge.

As for maker's mark, i cannot read anything except the place were 3 or 4 letters WERE and "T" "H"


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Hi Indigo,

Mine anvil looks very similar but has no visible marks.
It was bit more damaged and was also saved from being melted: you may think i should let it go...
It weights about 25 Kg and the price was better than yours: Zero!
Cheers from Porto.


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Indigo, you can silence that deafening ring by bedding the anvil in silicone caulk. It will go from "church bell" to "wood plank" just as soon as the caulk dries. Magnets under the horn and heel also do a great job.

Solid scores, either way. I would love to have a two-bick anvil in the shop....

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Excellent looking anvils, you did a good thing saving them..
The double horn is a classic German forged pattern, distinct flat on the top of the legs, but have not seen the cross/circle/star mark before; and not included in this list of German 'ambossschmieden': http://www.ernst-refflinghaus.de/ambossschmieden.html
Good luck, hope you find out the maker..

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