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I Forge Iron

Two hawks and a HSO (Hawk Shaped Object)

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I've been playing with my new tomahawk drift the past few days on the forge... there's a little bit of a learning curve getting everything tight and decent looking (or what passes for it in my shop), but I've had lots of fun.

I messed up the first time and spread the bit too thin before slitting to steel the bit, but decided to finish it out, assuming correctly that I'd mess up something else along the way. This one taught me a lot about keeping the eye the way I want it and forming the blade.


The second hawk was better, steeled the bit with 1095 at the same time that I brought the sides together. My gas forge is a little cool for welding mild steel (I think I need to reline it, bought it used), but I got it to weld. This was a gift to a friend.


The third hawk was made on my coal forge, so the welds are a lot better. I think the shape is better too.


I welcome any feedback.

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Kearnach, where are the "foothills"? nice hawks too.

Hey Pault17, sorry It took so long to reply, the foothills are between the mountains and the piedmont... I'm about 30 mins from Winston-Salem.


Thanks for the feedback guys!

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