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I Forge Iron

My Hay Budden Anvil I just purchased

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Hello all,

I, like I assume a lot of newly registered posters are, am a new kid on the chopping block. Although, the word kid doesn't fit since I'm already toying with mid 50's. Anyway, I found the idea of playing with hot metal fasinating and I'm diving in to the world of forging.

First thing first, you need an Anvil. I purchased this just yesterday and feel I did ok although I want some expert opinions. Don't hold back, I can take a punch or two. I'm also currious of its age. I'm not going to ask "What's it worth" because I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't think it was useable. It has a great ring and a real nice bounce. The top surface is as flat as I would suspect an anvil of this age to be with somewhat limited use.

I did purchase a 150# Vulcan anvil earlier and will post those later but I wanted to do this one first. There is an interesting story behind this Vulcan though.

Enough talk, on with the picture show! Thanks for any and all feedback, especially you Thomas. I know you won't hold back.








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Here are a few more pictures, there was a limit to how many you can attach. Also, the guy through in the solid Hickory Stump too, that weight over 70# itself. Oh, I don't know if it showed up in the pictures but this had 128 stamped on it and it does weigh about 128#.






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That is a nice Hay Budden Farrier's pattern anvil! Nice, flat face, a few dings and chips on the edges, but all around a really good find! The dual pritchell holes are interesting... You got a solid score there!

It would be better if you resized the pictures though, they are a bit large.

Excellent work and welcome aboard!

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Looks like someone did a lot of hot cutting on the far edge but the chips don't look too deep. I round the edge on the far sides of my anvils with about a 3/8in radius which would virtually eliminate the chips.
As far as rest of the anvil goes it looks very nice. I can't read the serial number real well It sort of looks like 151xxx which would be a 1908 anvil, if its 131xxx then is 1907.

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Yup, scored this from that craigslist. Ended up giving him $250. Almost had him taking $200 but I started to feel guilty so I said $250 and he jumped on it. I was amazed that it was still available, it was on craigslist for almost two weeks. When I was on craigslist for other things I just tossed in anvil to see what popped up and up came this beauty. I threw out an email half expecting it to either say sold or no reply. When they said it was still available I moved like my a$$ was on fire. I am not sure of the second digit, it looks as if only the bottom portion of the number made it's mark, most likely the guy had it tilted when he struck it.

I live in Grosse Pointe, not the typical place you would find someone into forging but I'm not originally from here. I'm currently building my Monster Garage, 2 story 3 car with the man cave in the upstairs with 10ft ceilings. Thank heaven they recently changed the building codes to allow me to build this thing. I'm setting up the downstairs for wood working as well as forging. It'll be completed by the end of August. I'll have to take some pics to show what I've done.

Thanks for the feedbacks. I did think I stole this one. I'll have to do what Fatfudd suggested. How do go about doing that, just hit it with a grinder? I want to make sure I don't screw this thing up. I've been out there every day hitting it just to hear it ring... it's so beautiful.

I'll be posting a lot of questions over the next few months. I want to make sure I setup my shop just right. Thanks again for all your help.

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No hurry to dress the edges, they aren't going to get in the way. Wait a while and look at some other's anvils before you go after it with an angle grinder.
You could live with it the way it is but most everyone likes their anvils purty!

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I'd suggest a slow speed polisher with a wire brush cup. I use an old auto polisher which works great and doesn't throw little wires all over like a high speed angle grinder. If you really want to get the rust off use naval jelly but that's overkill for an anvil. It'll have some brown on the face of the anvil after you use the polisher(thin rust) until you start pounding metal. If you want to really make the face shiny and not hurt the anvil face wrap some 320 grit wet and dry around a piece of flat metal, coat the face with oil and sand away. I periodically do that with my anvils just to get any surface junk off the face that might have gotten pounded in. I have washed really cruddy tools with that purple industrial cleaner you get from walmart or homedepot, it seems to remove some rust and other gunk but will also take your skin off. just make sure you dry it real well and oil it quickly afterwards. I'd like to see a picture of your anvil after you get done.

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