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I Forge Iron

IRONFEST Australia April 21/22

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I appear to be unsuccessful in my attempt to post a notice on the calendar. This is how it went ................

Ironfest Australia is on again this coming weekend. As usual this mixed festival is being held at the Lithgow (NSW) Showground.

There is a wide variety of interesting things happening. Smithing is, of course, featured (as it has been since the first Ironfest in 2000).

There are also lots of things for kids, and also for those people who may be ladies, or not at all interested in smithing, or (as is sometimes the case) both. There will be re-enactors, jousting (with real lances on real horses), and so on.

Tell you what, read the program yourself. You can find it at http://www.ironfest.net/program-2012

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Just returned from ironfeast 2012, really good weekend blacksmithing, meet some smiths from Melbourne Bruce and Ray, caught up with the usual groupies Moonie, Phil aka forgemaster, Colin Dray, and meet Steve and Tushia who are new on the blacksmithing circuit. All round the weekend was highly successful, plenty of sales, lots of knowledge shared over a beer or two, and plenty of good old fashion banter. Hardly wait for next year, although we do have the Bellingen show in May, with Colin Dray hosting the event.

Cheers Drewy

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The days just race away John, I just realised its almost the end of the month, will get some photos up this weekend. (Thats if the photo section of ifi is working, without me having to decifer anti spam stuff that is so small that I can hardly read it)

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