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Had a guy stop buy the shop tonight to see if I wanted to buy these tongs. The handles are 43 in and the jaws are 16 in. I would think the are for sheet metal work. But would be intersted in more info on how they were used. If any one has any info





They are a handbrake for sheet metal. Notice that they don't have a lot of leverage but do have a long reach. Not a lot of clamp force needed but the reach allows you to place a bend deeper on the material. These are a very large version and likely made for a specific application.


I have seem a similar version of these tools used when installing standing seam (sheet metal) roofing systems. Usually accompanied with a 90 degree angel bender that supplies the second bend on the upright seam.


I bet I could whip up some duct work quick with those. I can only imagine what could be done in the hands of someone who really knows how to use them!



They are definitely roofing tongs, for doing standing seam roofs. I picked up a pair last summer at a flea market for around $15.00. I thought they were neat, so I hung them up in my office to remind my guys how things were done in the "bad old days"


Thanks for the feed back. I gave $20 for them with the intent of hanging them in the shop. But who knows I might need a pair and I'll know right where to find them.

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