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There is another site that I visit from time to time, "The Art of Manliness" and I found a video there that I thought you would find interesting - it is the winner in a contest they had ... hope you enjoy. I believe the message outways the mistakes concerning blacksmithing.


there is no real blacksmithing in the video the poem is great and endearing but other than smoke fire and flash it has no substance who would put a fully handled knife in the fire, it is a great memorial to those have made the ultimate sacrifice. Semper FI


While the sentiment of the piece was laudable, ... I too, was unimpressed with the imagery.

Apparently, the modern trend in movie-making, ... as well as video's, ... is to light EVERY scene, as though it were taking place in a Dungeon.

Perhaps this appeals to 14 year old Goth wannabe posers, ... and to the Hollywood crowd, who obviously suffer from acute arrested development, ... and single digit IQ's.

But speaking for myself, ..... The sniveling, whining brats who inflict on the rest of us, their self-centered visions of doom and despair, ... should go ahead and hang themselves, ... and put all of us, out of THEIR misery.

While the concept of "artistic license" might allow for the blurring of fact and fiction, ... it's dishonest and disrespectful to intentionally misrepresent any subject or situation.



While the sentiment of the piece was laudable, ... I too, was unimpressed with the imagery.

Apparently, the modern trend in movie-making, ... as well as video's, ... is to light EVERY scene, as though it were taking place in a Dungeon.

Perhaps this appeals to 14 year old Goth wannabe posers, ... and to the Hollywood crowd, who obviously suffer from acute arrested development, ... and single digit IQ's.

But speaking for myself, ..... The sniveling, whining brats who inflict on the rest of us, their self-centered visions of doom and despair, ... should go ahead and hang themselves, ... and put all of us, out of THEIR misery.

While the concept of "artistic license" might allow for the blurring of fact and fiction, ... it's dishonest and disrespectful to intentionally misrepresent any subject or situation.

well said

But speaking for myself, ..... The sniveling, whining brats who inflict on the rest of us, their self-centered visions of doom and despair, ... should go ahead and hang themselves, ... and put all of us, out of THEIR misery.

I'm borrowing this, I have people to say that to.

Can't remember the name of the song but it has been used by others where the musicians recorded it in a smithy Yes, there are some 'factual' errors. But remember that this is another art form who's audience wasn't blacksmiths. If you look at my shop, I have thousands of dollars in machinery which would make some smiths turn their nose up and maybe call me a posser but my passion is just as great. Take it for what it is, a vid. Nothing more.


yeah kieth is right - its not for blacksmiths, or really about the craft, it is an imaginative interpretation that we are all capable of pulling to pieces because we actually do it so we know, whereas the film maker probably does not know anything much about smithing, just had an idea he wanted to try. good on him, it doesnt offend me, i get the jist of what he or she was trying to do :)

i feel i must defend 14 year old goth wannabe posers - smooth bore - is it really so long ago that you were young ;)


I put the video forward because I thought it was interesting - even though the "treatment" offered as a BS theme really is off center for those who understand.



It is what it is. I am too busy to do a proper video for something like this so I enjoy it for their intent. I recently read a book where the author referred to teh blacksmith shop as a Smithery. It didn't really matter I knew what the author meant. And they even got some of the info right about forging practice.Heck maybe in some places a smithy is a smithery. I know everything I do or say is perfect so there!


i feel i must defend 14 year old goth wannabe posers - smooth bore - is it really so long ago that you were young ;)

Perhaps, ... before I was weaned, ... there was a time when I found whining and complaining, while making no visible effort at self sufficiency, ... to be appropriate behavior.

But in the Culture in which I was raised, once you'd shed your "milk teeth", it was time to start taking some personal responsibility for your own situation.

Certainly by Puberty, ... it was time to behave like an Adult.

Sadly, it seems that "Adult" role models are in increasingly short supply.

And the willingness of, what passes for "Government" :angry: , to misappropriate the rights and duties of Parents and Legal Guardians, ... and circumvent traditional Cultural constraints on Juvenile Behavior, ... has created an expanding group of Perpetual Children, ... with no desire or motivation to achieve maturity.

( It's not difficult to understand why the term "Nanny State" so clearly describes out current condition. )

While some might argue that this arrested development on the part of many younger folks is "not their fault", ... I would point out that it most certainly is THEIR PROBLEM.

Yes, ... quite often, life's "NOT FAIR", ... but whining about it, just makes it worse.


For many years, I worked in a Supervisory role, in the field of Manufacturing.

In that environment, you encounter a steady stream of young, "entry level" employees.

The difference in the performance of those young people who had completed a term of Military Service, compared to others who had completed a similar period of "Higher Education", ... was simply ASTOUNDING.

To put it bluntly, ... a 22 year old College Graduate, is still a Child, ... and a former Soldier of the same chronological age, ... is an Adult.


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