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I am a beginner in blacksmithing but my biggest problem is finding the coal to fuel my dusty forge. I dont know much about coal but ive heard you need to find some with a low sulfur content. Ive seen places that sell coal by the ton or 55 gal. barrels for 120 bucks but i dont know if its the right coal i need.


If you can get a small sample see how muc it smokes and if it cokes up and has a hot fire
Coding up is after the green coal has started burning when damp it will stick together and become lighter. The smoke should go away along with the sulphur smell


You can check out the section of IFI that presents Blacksmith clubs/organizations for the one nearest to you though off the top of me pointy Rocky Mountain Blacksmith (?) might be the guys.

Another possibility is to call a farrier or two and ask them if they use coal and where they get it. Even if the person you talk to doesn't s/he will know who does.

If you're talking to a coal company or carrier you want "metallurgical" coal, soft bituminous not anthracite which is generally heat coal.

Of course I live in Alaska and have no specific info for you so just stand by the info storm is due. <grin>

Frosty The Lucky.


Bass Angler, Get in touch with The Bonneville Forge Counsil. They have a website and meet every other month. Most of the smiths in your area burn industrial coke the they get from Christianson Brothers in the Provo valley. The local Utah coal frankly sucks. I do believe that Paul DeFrancesco at Lightning Forge in Murray may have some good coal available. Remember coal smoke is used to make Xylene,Benzyene and Toluene. Coke has all that stuff burned out of it already and has virtually no smoke. This is also good for the neighbors.

Good Luck


Sounds like Daniel has you hooked up. As a reply you may or may not have lump charcoal available ( if you indeed have no coal ). This would be another thread entirely. There are tons of references on the site to this choice. Simply another choice if you want fire and have none. I use both coal and charcoal and gas as well sometimes.

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