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OK be gentle first proper post!
I got an anvil a couple of weeks back so I ordered some 22mm bar to fit the hardy to make some useful
hardy tools.
I'm gonna try making some plate armour, so I made a planishing stake!
this is my1st attempt so I am quite pleased. its only mild steel so I don't know how well it will hold up.
We shall see!
On a side note 1 meter cut length of 22mm bar was £40 but 6 meter length stock size was £38!
I have 6 meters! gonna have to make alot of hardy's now!

The square bit's are 8mm rod bent round the 22mm bar then welded on to form the shoulder
I had to grind down the bar a bit on the corners to fit my hardy hole
and the top got very upset with me bashing it alot!





They should work. Oh yeah, good to be reading your first proper post AND it has PICS! You're off to a good start.

What are you planning on planishing, those are some long shanks. At that length it might be a good idea to aim the bend towards the heal rather than the side of the anvil, it'll be more stable and offer more resistance.

For making bottom tools I prefer to start with stock larger than my hardy and draw it down, then upset it for a nice shoulder. I'd have to say you're using too heavy a hammer upsetting the planishing face, a light hammer and fast blows will move the struck end where a heavy hammer tends to upset the center of the stock and bend it.

Looking good, well done.

Frosty The Lucky.


Thanks for the hammer tip, but it's the only one I have at the mo, Maybe I will make one tomorrow!
although It would only be mild with some spring steel welded to the face, but hay ho I will make do with what I have!
I was thinking about making a planishing hammer anyway so no reason not to!
I will get out early tomorrow and hunt the local woods for some handle material!



It looks fine; if you are concerned about hardness what about case-hardening? Not too difficult to do and could make a real difference.

as for stock, find your nearest fabricator (gates, railings etc.) and give them £5 for a couple of handfuls of stuff from their offcuts bin. You get cheap metal, they get more than scrap value.



I'll give case hardening ago, seems straight forward enough,

I did do some work for free for the local gates and railing man ,
He said just pop down and grab scrap when I need it!,
When I went back a while later and he had moved!!!!!

oh well NVM!


Before case hardening I would look into superquench for hardening of A-36 steel.

For armour making that looks like a quite handy stake and long shanks come in handy to get into helms and other large curved pieces.

Looks like you have about a 7/8" Hardy hole---over sized stock that size can be a bit of a job to hammer down by hand to fit and leave a proper swell to rest on the anvil face...Welding on a collar works!

Are you friendly with any of the other UK armour makers?


Great start!
Where abouts in the UK are you based?

I will watch your posts with interest, as i'm interested in how armour is made.
Good luck!


I'd rethink case hardening as it's more for wear resistance than impact resistance. Can you make friends at the local truck (lorry?) shop? Large trucks have plenty of parts of the right kind of steel for hammer making. Axles are good for hammers and they don't require exacting heat treatment.

Frosty The Lucky.

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