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wondering if anyone has experiencing of getting a good polished finish on steel with a sandblaster. Ive been polishing up pokers with a wire brush for years now, but its having a bad effect on my hand. Have used sandblasters before but ended up a dull aluminium look rather than polished steel. Has any one any experience of use the with aggragate to get the effect Im looking for.

many thanks in advance



Hey Straysparks, I haven't seen any other finish either, but by sandblasting, it will take all the scale off and that leaves you with other options. I have been acid etching some stuff lately. This is the same process as gun blueing or browning. This adds some different effects. I have also been using stuff called guilders paste. This adds color but I don't know how "wearable" it is, I have only used it for artwork that you look at. Also have you tried/thought about a power wire brush or a bench grinder type wire brush? Both can be dangerous but might be easier on your hand.


you could try flap wheels or sanding bobs. all you need is a drill or a die grinder. you can pick them up pretty cheap at northern tools. nice finish and easy on the hands.


Why not try tumbling rather than sand blasting.With the right media you can the finish you want and do multiple items while leaving the process unattended allowing you to work on other things as your pieces are being cleaned.


make yourself a tumbler. I made one out of a scrap 250gal propane tank but I have seen them made from an old cement mixer . Tumbling takes of all the millscale off and eases the edges a little and leaves a somewhat texured finish.


Bead blasting gives a semi polished surface........When I use the sand blaster on steel I burnish the ''white metal'' with a stiff wire brush and it polishes up nicely.


The very process of sandblasting gives you an etched finish on steel, but different media has differing profiles, ranging from very abrasive silicon carbide to the softest like bicarbonate of soda, but no media will give you a polished finish by sandblasting, although glass beads will give a peened finish and not etched. If you intend to polish it then use the softest / lowest profile media that would prepare / clean the surface for polishing by mechanical means or electro polishing is brilliant for stainless.
I have designed and manufactured small blast pressure pots for the smaller workshop compressors and restorers for nearly 30 years and this is a common question.

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