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I Forge Iron

Peace on Earth a Christmas Thought

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On this day of note, take a few seconds to think of and send our thoughts not just to our friends and colleagues but the others out there in foreign parts on so called peace making tours.

We have all seen the pictures and heard the stories, oft repeated over the ages, Will no one in authority ever learn the lessons from previous experiences?

Anyway Peace to all (and all religions) and seasons greetings to all our friends on this site

HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you all and may the New Year bring a better one than this one has been.

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I hope all our boys and girls overseas make it through this year safely, and the next, and for however long it takes for 'our' government to bring them home again. I have the highest regard for those who serve, knowing as I do that I myself am unsuitable (I couldn't put up with being ordered around, especially orders I didn't agree with).
My new forge hand (Richard Pace) is an ex soldier, I've worked with a lot of them in the past in different jobs and they're always good to have on your team. Richard is a great bloke with a good head on him and is keen to learn, keen enough that he's bought his own hammers, apron and safety gear already. He's seen combat in several theatres including Bosnia and Iraq, and is a holder of the DCM. I'm priveliged to work with him and teach him what little I know.

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i never know what to say, or where to start on this subject - i have total respect/awe for the job our soldiers have agreed to do, and i think it must be made even more awful when the cause your fighting for, doesnt have the full support of the citizens of the country whose government sent you out.. its not the soldiers efforts, which are heroic, and often peace keeping, that i dont support, but the reasoning behind the steaming in and messing things up. peace on earth is a wonderful ideal, but living with the human condition is so different in reality. what i hope for is insightful change, or at least the possibility of it, and flexibility of attitude from everyone involved. in all of it! a constructive and happy new year to every one of you :)

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