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Greetings all!

Brand spanking newbie from NH here, recently took an intro class (Prospect Hill Forge in Waltham, Mass) and really enjoyed it. I'm here to learn as much as I can and see what sorts of neat projects people are getting into. Currently no access to tools or a forge, so I guess we're in the research and observation phase, also partially because I'll soon be heading to a new place for work (either Oahu or Anchorage...what can I say I'm a fan of extremes).

That said, is anyone familiar with places that offer beginners classes in either of those areas? My searches haven't turned anything up.

Anyways, GREAT forum, awesome galleries, and a really helpful bunch of folks. Glad to be here!


We have some members from Alaska here who could give you ideas on the situation there. Hawaii is a bit rougher; I only recall 2 smiths out there on the net over the past several decades. Do try to ship a good anvil and postvise out with yourself, everything else you can make if needed!


Look at the Blueprint BP0133 The 55 Forge. Great starter forge that costs little or nothing to build.

Next look up Frosty, an IForgeIron member living in Alaska.


Welcome to the site Robbimus,
You have picked one excellent trade to get into but probably the two worst loctions as far as tooling goes. Been to the islands and its beautiful their, never made it to Alaska but know alot of people who have and loved it. You might want to think about a gas forge if you go to Oahu, don't know how the coal supply is there. Enjoy yourself no matter where you end up and keep the iron hot. Paul


Thanks Fellas,
Good to know! I had suspected that might be the case with Hawaii. Alaska is looking less likely, so I might see if the wife will let me sneak an anvil and post vise in the shipping crate with the rest of our crap if/when we head to the islands.....
Thanks again, this site is awesome!!

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