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I picked up a nice straight peen hammer at a junk shop. An older gentleman asked me if I knew the purpose for that type of hammer. I said it looked like a typical blacksmith hammer about 3lbs or so. He told me it was a "saw smith" hammer.It was supposedly balanced in a way useful for that trade.
Is there a special hammer for guys who work on large circular saw blades? If there is such a hammer and a person on this forum who has a thing for this type of hammer, I would part with it for a standard blacksmith hammer as the design is not that interesting to me. It is rather elongated and I would prefer a lower profile Hofi/Habberman style hammer. (I dont expect a Hofi hammer in trade).


It does indeed sounds like a saw hammer, if you have a picture that would be helpful. There were/are several types of hammers used to tune saws, it seems to be a dying art from the folks I have talked to. There was a guy willing to teach me the trade but he really lives to far away from me to do it.


A typical saw tuner's hammer is much like the Japanese cutler's hammers which are much like a traditional english cutlers hammer. They tend to be one sided with the eye quite far from the face.

I have not see one with a straight peen on the back---or is it a single face straight peen? Could this be a fuller rather than a hammer? with the flat face designed to be struck rather than a hammer face.


For sake of comparison.
L to R. Turley homemade hammer; sawyer's dog head; Japanese forging hammer. The dog head is 4 5/8" long and its haft is 15 7/8" long. The Japanese hammer weighs about 3½ pounds.




Based on the middle hammer in the picture Frank sent, I dont think my hammer is special. It is probably a regular forging hammer.
I dont have a camera so I cannot take a pic.
Thanks for the replies.


See the thread on "Tuning a sawmill blade" He has pictures of several types of hammers, one style is like Frank posted and others looked more like you described. Try this:

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