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I figured out a neat little trick which has opened up a whole lot more videos for me on Youtube that I otherwise would never have found.

It's very simple.

First, go to any of the online language translating sites like this one~


In this case I have selected English to Russian translation but you can of course do this with any language you choose.

Type "blacksmith" into the first (English) box and hit translate.

That gives you this, "кузнец" in the second box (Russian).

Right double click on that word to highlight it in blue and left click on it to open the menu window and select COPY. Then simply paste that into the search box on Youtube and viola, over 900 videos.

That's it.

Of course this is not necessary for languages such as German which use the same alphabet as English. If you know the German word for blacksmith is schmied then you can just type that into the search box without having the need of the translator service.

What the translator enables you to do is obtain the word "blacksmith" in other languages that use characters different from English such as Russian cyrillic, Japanese, Greek, etc. etc. that you otherwise could not type on a standard PC set up for the English language.

For example;

English to Japanese~ 鍛冶屋

English to Korean~ 대장장이

English to Ukrainian~ коваль

English to Dutch~ smid

And any other combination you can think of.



Good idea. Thanks!

Ya, I am liking this. I fooled around wit it some more this morning. Just typing the word "schmied" into the search box gave me this one from Germany~


It doesn't matter that foreign videos are in a language you don't understand. Once you enter a search and it cues up some videos for you pay attention to the text and you may find more keywords to try. I saw the word "axtschmieden" so I entered that and got several more videos.

Try several different online translators, depending on what language you enter you might get results and you might not. I entered "blacksmith" in the English input box on several different translators and got no results for English to Chinese. Finally after a few that gave me nothing this one worked for English to Chinese


and gave me this~ 鐵匠 which gave me 250 videos. This is one of them, appears to be a temporary site, maybe a traveling tool dresser? Very interesting bellows~

Interestingly I don't see any Harbor Freight anvils in any of the Chinese videos but I did spot some mouseholes!

Schmied is German for worker same as smith is in English. Kunt schmied is German for Black Smith and transliterates as "Iron Worker"

No I don't speak German but I have friends who do and I'm seldom too shy to ask a question.

Frosty the Lucky.

  • 5 years later...

I'm amazed!  It's just further proof that it's the craftsman rather than the tool that makes it happen.

We need to make one of these for Jerry and call it Frosty's Revenge.  Taking the skin of the critter that injured you and using it in a beautiful handmade tool would have to provide some satisfaction.

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