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I Forge Iron

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So I bought a new 25kg anvil from Glendale to use in my portable workshop setup, but was really frustrated when I got my hands on it, because the xxxx thing is really soft! Dents when you even lightly tap the face, and has a really poor rebound. I asked them why this was, and they told me that the anvils they sell are made slightly softer, owing to health and safety regulations, which apparently state that anvils must be made soft nowadays so that bits won't break off of them when they are struck.

(I should state that although I am unhappy with the anvil, Glendale themselves are great to deal with, and I am more than happy with their other products and their level of service)

I am going to sell it or send it back, and I'm going to buy one from Vaughans instead. Apparently their anvils are still hardened to a degree that I consider acceptable.

Before I shell out yet again, though, I want to ask if anyone has any experience with these anvils and anything they would like to chip in on the subject.


softer anvil = less chance of spalling = less liability.

It depends how deep your pockets are, I know people with vaughns anvils that love them (ive got a 500lb'er of theirs (2nd hand), bit noisy for me, hard face though)

Ebay in the UK is anvil rich! Ive bought some lovely stuff for £100 +/-. My 500lb'er which is somthing around £1800/ new was a 20th of that price used :blink:


Just me but buts of this and that coming off material are more likely to happen than crumbling of an anvil face I would think unless ya bought one falling apart already. I take it someone sued over spalling already somewhere over there? Heck I took some hot scale in the eyelid earlier but thats just hazards of the trade.


No bull, lawyers and lawsuits have changed the world. Hammers, chisels and lawn mower blades, all have been made softer on purpose in recent history, why not anvils too?

I have a friend with a big Vaughans that he had imported new maybe 15 years ago, and he loves it. Can't answer for todays models.


I bought my Vaughan 2cwt double horn about 4yrs ago and it is a great anvil.I would buy another if I had to.I was lucky,the farrier supply that sold the anvil bought horseshoes from the same company as the anvil so it came over with their shipment.


Thanks for the feedback guys.

I got my hands on my 25kg anvil from Vaughans (it is actually a brooks anvil that they sell) and it is indeed really good. Really awesome ring and rebound. Noisy as hell, but I like the ringing. My neighbors don't. Fun happy times.

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