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I Forge Iron

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I currently live in an apartment not far from my shop. I don't have a garden, but there is a bit of a yard, and it grows a lot of grassburrs. If you aren't familiar with these, count yourself lucky. They are resilient plants and their seeds are little spheres covered with spikes that have microscopic barbs. These can easily drive deeply enough into unsuspecting flesh to draw blood and hurt like the devil to pull back out. The seeds grow in clusters, and when dry will scatter at the slightest disturbance, spreading themselves and attaching to anything mobile so they may come to soil further afield. These end up in my carpet, where they are suddenly encountered with my bare feet.

So I need to hoe the plants in my apartment's yard before they can produce seeds. I didn't have a hoe. The ones available for sale at Home Despot and similar stores are heavy, ugly, with blades at the wrong angle, likely as not made in Communist China, and generally unsatisfactory.

Good thing I have a power hammer.

This is what I forged out last week. It is forged from a single piece of scrap leaf spring that I had in my shop. I hardened and temepred it, and managed to find a handle to put it on (it was actually more difficult to find the handle than to make the head because stores expect you to buy a new tool rather than replace a handle, a sure sign of our degenerating civilization ;) ). It is held on by friction at the moment, but will be receiving a screw to help hold it on if it becomes loose.

It's lightweight, is at the correct angle for use, and is much more interesting and beautiful than what I could have found in a store. It's almost sculptural in form. And most importantly, it works well.







It looks like a nice one! I made a hoe for my garden a couple of days ago myself. I made mine for cutting weeds in cultivated soil so it is sharp on all sides. I am quite impressed with the socket on your hoe! Nice job!


Thanks, guys!

Bigfootnampa - Got any pictures of it up?

Steve - I'm thinking about when I have a table at a crafts show having a display of tools: half of them made by me, and the other half being what you find in Home Despot these days. Let people hold them and use them some, and let them tell the difference for themselves.


I would have liked to a hoe like that when I had a large garden and yard, nice work indeed, but out here in the desert it'd be really good for taking the heads off of rattlesnakes. That sure is a nicely forge hoe, a real work of the hoe makers art. :blink:


good for taking the heads off of rattlesnakes

My granddad,in his retirement, always carried a hoe instead of a walking stick when out in the woods and around the home place. He kept it real sharp all the time. He used it for picking up sticks and things from the ground without bending over, cutting sucker limbs from trees, killing snakes (lots of them), and yes, weeding his garden. A truly multipurpose tool.

I carry one in the bed of my pickup for pulling stuff out that has slid up against the cab.

Wish mine was as pretty as yours Stomcrow.


I've had enough inquiries about my garden hoe and my camp ax that they're now part of my official lineup: http://helmforge.blogspot.com/2011/05/garden-hoes-and-camp-axes-offered-for.html


Great looking tool there. Nice to be able to make exactly what you need instead of settling for what`s offered ain`t it.
Be sure to wear a big diamond earring and your best pimp hat when you get that hoe working out in the yard. B)

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