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I Forge Iron

what is Damascus steel

Patrick F

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yup... it was originally done to make a better steel ... you need to do some research .. are you talking about wootz, pattern welded steel or cable forge welded together ...three different things and one of the reasons you get different answers . all three have been called "damascus" a. if your talking pattern welded steel it is 2 or more different steels forge welded together it can be manipulated many different ways to make wonderful looking knives or other items ..hope this helps

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In the old days of bad metals pattern welded damascus was an indicator of someone who probably knew what he was doing and it could help out the properties of non-homogeneous steels.

Nowadays in the time of good clean steels you are more likely to introduce problems making the steel less strong than a homogeneous piece. However it's *real* pretty and most folks don't use their blades out on the "cutting edge" of their properties anyway---especially the real pretty ones.

HOWEVER there sure is a lot of HYPE about all types of damascus steel. Just remember that a lot of it is from folks trying to *SELL* it or from buyers who bought it and need to rationalize the purchase.

As for acids, pretty much anything can be used to show a pattern---I've used strong tea (tannic acid) or lime juice before and like hot vinegar ans salt for showing off the pattern in my usual billet materials. Ferric Chloride is ued a lot as it's fairly easy to get and works on a lot of alloys, HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, various mizes, etc work.

Some things work better on some alloys than others. Some people want lots of topo, others do not.

Just one other thing: we usually use the strong acids DILUTED as at full strength they just eat everything and we want a *differential* etch where some parts etch more than others.

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