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I Forge Iron

Stack 'o anvils

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Some folks in the MOB would make "anvil stacks" the idea was to start from the floor and stack your good anvils to be taller than you were.

My stack was a 515# Fisher, 407# Trenton, 163# Peter Wright, 138# Hay Budden and a 91# Arm&Hammer---the broken and abused anvils I have rescued were not included...


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I didn't know that stacking up anvils would be (apparently) an off-shoot hobby. I only had mine stacked while I was cleaning and re-arranging and took the photo as kind of a joke. I have since mounted the Peter Wright on an oak stump that is a little higher than usual to use for small work. I need to find another anvil or two so I can stack up higher (although I'll have to use the tractor boom to bet em' up there.


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