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I Forge Iron

were can a guy buy wrought iron?

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i am looking for a place that will sell me a piece of wrought iron i'm looking for about a 2-3"x1/4" around 1' long. i've heard of a place in the east coast that sells it and they will give you a sample piece, but i can't seem to find it any more. does anyone know of anything, or have any ideas?
thanks, chris

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Unfortunately the last company in the United States to produce wrought iron closed in 1969 and in England in 1973. I hear there is a company, I believe a Swiss company that produces small amounts of wrought iron bar. I think the company back east is importing iron from Europe. Perhaps someone will know of what company in Europe I was thinking of. Wish I could be more helpful. I have a bar of this imported wrought iron, it's good stuff.

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I don't know of anyone still producing it for bulk consumption, however, you can often find someone with a bit at the tailgating at conferences like SOFA. You might also try contacting one of the living history centers like Colonial Williamsburg. I understand that they occassionally buy entire bridges of wrought scrap. You MIGHT just be able to talk them into parting with a small piece. Just a thought. Failing that, if you give me a pile of money, I'll set up a smelter and make you some... LOL.

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we buy it as scrap like wagon rims and structural pieces..then forge it into the shape we need. Can be tedious but you really cant be picky when you need real wrought..Just be thankful you got it in the first place. Anchor chain is another good source.. Bought about 28 pounds of 1" square not long ago..Been forging it into straps for hawks and axes.

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I have some 5/16 byers' bi-directional rolled plate WI from the water tower at the *old* Ohio Penitentiary.

But don't know if we are on the same continent.

Also does the quality of the WI make a difference? Some folks don't like the high grade stuff as they want the "character" to show when etched.

I have some 1.25" rod which would forge down; but it's pretty high grade! Was used a mending bars for a cistern after the 1906 Quake here in Socorro NM, USA. Also Wagon tyre that would be wide enough but often ranges thicker---and is generally a low grade WI.

I'll be offline all next week---taking the forge and camping with a couple of thousand friends I've never met...

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