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I Forge Iron

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Your finishing (sanding, buffing, blending,etching, etc) is some of the best I have ever seen. I don't make blades but I like to examine the fine workmanship. Especially when blending flush one material to another without hardly evidence of a crack or line between the two. You do that extremely well. Thanks for so many pictures. Spears.


lovely knife. I appreciate a flat, flat grind. (I mean, errrm, really really flat ;) ) . Now thats flat!

I thought I could flat grind, then had a play with a Howard Clark bowie, and I realised what 'MS' quality really meant. And I realised I gotta practice, lots!

Seamless transition between the guard and handle, now thats a tricky one to pull off when they sand at completly different rates!

That knife looks like its doing 100 mph standing still!

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