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I Forge Iron

Link to old blacksmithing text

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Hey All,

I don't know where this might "fit" in the forum AND perhaps many are not even interested but I found a site that has old archived materials copied on it. So of course I found something called "Modern blacksmithing ...."
that includes these quotes:

"Every smith should connect himself with a branch of the church and be punctual in attendance to same."

"The danger for the smith becoming a drunkard is greater than for any other mechanic."

Published in 1904. Great stuff!


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It's amazing what you can find on those archive sites - have seen some old catalogs of farm equipment etc. The social commentary in that "Modern Blacksmith" was priceless. I had to read it when I saw there was a chapter on "Intemperance"!

Only thing - I couldn't get it to copy or print and fear it may eventually vaporize into the "webi-sphere".

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As a farrier, I can relate. We are all unreliable drunks, not to mention sleeping around with all our female (male) clients.
Lucky for me my wife is not jellus and tollerrent. well not jellus eny way...

Interesting, I hope you are joking........I'm a farrier and am neither a drunk nor a philanderer, with my customers. Wow, I do know one who is that way though....
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